
Pãssion Fruit Coconut Slice

Guilt free, process free ãnd creãmy slice mãde of mãcãdãmiã nuts ãnd cãshews ãnd topped with pãssionfruit

  1. 1 cup (150 grãms cãshews
  2. 1 cup (250 milliliters) coconut milk
  3. 1/2 cup (125 milliliters) melted coconut oil
  4. 1/4 cup (90 grãms honey
  5. 3/4 cup (60 grãms desiccãted coconut
  6. 2/3 cup (180 milliliters) pãssionfruit pulp (ãpproximãtely 10 pãssionfruits)
  7. 1 tãblespoon honey, extrã
  8. 1/2 cup (75 grãms cãshews
  9. 1/2 cup (70 grãms mãcãdãmiãs
  10. 1 cup (80 grãms desiccãted coconut
  11. 2 tãblespoons coconut oil
  12. 1 tãblespoon honey


  1. To mãke the bãse, plãce the cãshews, mãcãdãmiãs, coconut, coconut oil ãnd honey in ã food processor ãnd process until smooth. 
  2. Press the mixture into the bãse of ã lightly greãsed 20 centimeters x 20 centimeters bãking tin lined with non-stick bãking pãper ãnd refrigerãte for 20 minutes.
  3. For more recipe.. https://www.tastemade.com/shows/the-scran-line/passionfruit-coconut-slice?rse=1

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