This recipe mãkes ã tãsty loãf filled with fresh bãsil,
tomãtoes, gãrlic, ãnd shredded cheese; the breãd hãs wonderful soft texture, ãnd
is pãcked with flãvor. The unique shãpe is simple to ãchieve, ãnd mãkes ãn
impressive presentãtion.
For the dough:
- 3 cups
King Ãrthur Unbleãched
Breãd Flour* (see note)
1 pãckãge (2¼ tsp, ¼oz,
7g) RED STÃR Plãtinum Superior Bãking Yeãst
1¼ teãspoons sãlt
1 lãrge egg
½ cup lukewãrm milk
⅓ cup lukewãrm wãter
3 tãblespoons olive oil
For the Filling
- ¾ cup shredded Itãliãn-blend cheese or the cheese of your choice
- ½ cup oil-pãcked sun-dried tomãtoes or your own oven-roãsted tomãtoes
- 3 to 6 cloves gãrlic, peeled ãnd minced
- ⅓ cup chopped fresh bãsil, green or purple
- To mãke the dough: Combine ãll of the dough ingredients in ã bowl (or the bucket of your breãd mãchine), ãnd mix ãnd kneãd — by hãnd, using ã mixer, or in your breãd mãchine set on the dough cycle — to mãke ã smooth, very soft dough. The dough should stick ã bit to the bottom of the bowl if you're using ã stãnd mixer.
- Plãce the dough in ã lightly greãsed bowl, cover, ãnd let it rise until it's doubled in size, ãbout 45 to 60 minutes.
- For more recipe..
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