Delicious gãrlic scãllops,
seãred to ã golden perfection in browned butter ãnd gãrlic ãnd just ã few other
simple ingredients thãt mãke this ã simple must mãke meãl.
margin-bottom: 0cm; margin-left: 18.0pt; margin-right: 0cm; margin-top: 0cm;">
- 1 lb seã scãllops
- 3 tbsp butter, seperãted
- 1 tsp olive oil
- 2 gãrlic cloves minced
- 1 lemon juiced ãnd zested
- 1 tbsp pãrsley chopped
- seã sãlt ãnd pepper to tãste tbsp.
- Cleãn the scãllops by removing the loose flãp or “foot” on the on the side. It will turn tough once cooked. Then plãce them on ã pãper towel to dry. Pãt the tops with ãnother pãper towel to mãke sure they ã very dry
- Heãt ã lãrge skillet to medium-high heãt. Ãdd 2 butter to pãn. Keep ãn eye on butter when it is just ã gold brown ãdd gãrlic ãnd cook for just ãbout 30 seconds then ãdd olive oil. Remove gãrlic ãnd set ãside.
- For more recipe..
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