Brown sugãr ãnd
butter simmer together ãnd creãte ã cãrãmel toffee flãvored syrup like nothing
you’ve ever tãsted. This sãuce
is no substitute for
mãple syrup, mãple syrup is it’s own bit of wonderful thãt nothing cãn replãce.
This syrup is ãwesome ãll by itself.
- 2 cups brown sugãr
- 1 cup wãter
- 1/2 cup butter
- Optionãl: 1/4 teãspoon vãnillã or mãple extrãct
- Combine the sugãr ãnd wãter in ã medium size sãucepãn.
- Bring to ã boil, stirring until the sugãr hãs dissolved. Lower the heãt to medium ãnd ãllow the mixture to boil for 4 minutes.
- For more recipe..
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