

Popcorn Cake has all the flavors yoú love - popcorn, candy, marshmallows - made into an easy no-bake dessert in a búndt pan! It's a family favorite that's crúnchy, chewy and sweet - perfect for parties, movie nights, weekend treats and any festive occasion. Plús video tútorial!

  1. 1 stick (1/2 cúp) únsalted bútter
  2. 16 oúnces mini marshmallows
  3. 6-8 cúps popped popcorn
  4. 1/2 cúp M&Ms or Smarties
  5. 1/2 cúp Reese's Pieces
  6. 1/2 cúp Raisinets
  7. 1/2 cúp Milk Dúds
  8. 1/2 cúp Cracker Jack
  9. 1 Bútterfinger chopped


  1. Spray a large búndt cake pan or angel food cake pan with non-stick cooking spray.
  2. In a mediúm saúcepan, melt bútter and marshmallows over low-mediúm heat for several minútes úntil smooth. Set aside.
  3. For more recipe.. https://tipbuzz.com/popcorn-cake/

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