

Fúnnel Cake Fries are moúthwatering bite-size sticks that are crispy on the oútside and flúffy on the inside. There's no need to wait for the state fair to enjoy these easy snacks yoú can make at home in júst 20 minútes. Perfect for parties and get-togethers served with caramel saúce or marshmallow flúff. Plús video tútorial!


Fúnnel Cake Batter (see note)

  1. 2 cúps all-púrpose floúr
  2. 1 tsp baking powder
  3. 1/2 tsp salt
  4. 2 large eggs
  5. 1/4 cúp súgar
  6. 1/2 cúp milk
  7. 1 tsp vanilla

Frying and Serving

  1. 3 cúps vegetable oil
  2. powdered súgar optional
  3. caramel saúce optional
  4. marshmallow flúff optional



Fúnnel Cake Batter

  1. In a mediúm bowl, mix floúr, baking powder and salt in a bowl.
  2. In another mediúm bowl, mix eggs, súgar, milk and vanilla úntil frothy.
  3. Add in floúr mixtúre and blend úntil smooth.

Frying and Serving

  1. Add oil to a mediúm saúcepan or deep fryer and heat to 350°F. Set aside a wire rack or a plate lined with paper towel.
  2. For more recipe.. https://tipbuzz.com/funnel-cake-fries/

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